Irma T. de Alonso

Office: DM 316, (305) 348-3281
PhD: University of York, 1969
Joined the faculty in 1977
Fields: Economics of the Caribbean, economics of education
Selected Publications
Hispanics in the United States at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century: A Growing, Yet Undeveloped Force [with Manuel Carvajal], Revista Española de Estudios Norteamericano, 13(23-24):97-114, (2002).
The Current Status of CARICOM and the OECS: Assessing the Prospects for FTAA Membership, Global Development Studies/, 3(1-2):157-216, (2002-3).
"Puerto Rico", "French Caribbean", "OECS", "Belize". Four chapters in : Women's Issues in North America and the Caribbean, Cheryl Kalny, (ed). New York: Greenwood Publishing, (2003).
Caribbean economies in the twenty-first century, editor and contributor. Gainesville, Fl: University Press of Florida, (2002).
Economic Overview of the Northern Caribbean, in Economic and Human Development in the Caribbean Basin, Ken Boodhoo, (ed). St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago: Institute of International Relations, University of the West Indies (2000).
Trade, Integration and Industrialization in Twentieth Central America, editor and contributor. Westport, CT: Praeger, (1994).
Trade Issues in the Caribbean, Caribbean Studies Series/, editor and contributor. Philadelphia: Gordon And Breach Science Publishers, (1992).
Housing Services in National Accounts: The Case of Latin America [with Jorge Salazar], International Journal for Housing Science and its Applications, 13(4), (1989).
"Recent International Comparisons of the Construction Sector and its Components, [with Jorge Salazar], International Journal for Housing Science and its Applications, 12(1), (1988).
Real Product and Price Comparisons Between Latin America and the Rest of the World, [with Jorge Salazar], Review of Income and Wealth, March 1988.
"Recent Comparisons of Construction Costs in Latin America [with Jorge Salazar], International Journal for Housing Science and its Applications, 1985.